Project Rosedale

Producing green hydrogen to provide a clean fuel for the heavy haulage industry

The Project

Our project is designed to generate 25,000 kilograms (kg) per day of green hydrogen. This will be achieved by 250 megawatts (MW) of solar energy from photovoltaic arrays to power hydrogen electrolysers.

Key Components

Solar Electricity Generation

We generate electricity on-site using solar arrays to power the production of hydrogen.

Water Supply and Treatment

Water used for the project is treated to meet the requirements for hydrogen production through electrolysis and is also utilized for equipment cooling.

Supplementary Power Supply

We explore options such as battery energy storage systems (BESS) and grid connections to extend the operating hours of electrolysers, especially during periods of low solar exposure.

Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis

Electrolysers split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity to produce hydrogen.

Liquefaction and Compression of Hydrogen

After production, hydrogen undergoes either liquefaction or compression before storage and wholesale distribution.

Hydrogen Storage

Hydrogen is stored on-site in liquid or gaseous form.

Wholesale Distribution

Liquid hydrogen is distributed via tankers, which comply with NSW and Australian road safety regulations for liquid hydrogen transport.


The proposal is assessed as a State Significant Development (SSD) under Part 4 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) is the determining authority for SSD applications.


Project Announced



Scoping Report



Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) issued


In progress

Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

In progress

EIS submission and exhibition

Response to submissions

Planning Approval

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